Yoga Fusion is a blend of Yoga
asanas and Pilates exercises.
Complete 3-4 rounds of Surya
Namaskar (sun salutation) to warm and mobilise the body.
Rest in Savasana for 1 minute between each asana or link each posture to
develop muscular strength and endurance.
Chaturanga Dandasana
Maintain a strong neutral
spine throughout. Strongly contract uddiyana and moola banda to support the
Exhale – lower the chest to
the floor. Inhale – return
Adaptations: If a neutral
spine cannot be maintained place the knees on the floor.
To progress this posture,
extend one leg.
Santolanasana (plank position)
Maintain a strong neutral
spine throughout. Strongly contract uddiyana and moola banda to support the
spine. Lift the quadriceps muscles away from the kneecaps, send the heels away
from the body and draw the shoulders away from the ear. Hold for 5 breaths.
Adaptation: If a neutral
spine cannot be maintained place the knees on the floor.
To progress this posture,
extend one leg.
Side variation
Move directly into the side
variation or rest between each posture. Repeat on the opposite side. Focus on
maintaining a straight line through the body by lifting the hips.
Adaptation: Rest the knees
on the floor.
Dolphin pose
From a kneeling position,
clasp hands, forearms resting on the floor. Draw the shoulders away from the
ears throughout this posture.
Lift the hips and straighten the legs as you
would for down facing dog. Hold for 5 breaths. Gently contract uddijanna and
moola bandha thoughout.
Dolphin push up variation
Inhale – move the torso
forward, keeping the spine straight.
Variation: knees on the floor.
Standing front raise
Maintain a neutral spine and
pelvis position throughout this exercise. Keep the core of the body strong by
gently tightening around the waist, lifting the pelvic floor and flatten the
space between the pubic bone and naval.
Exhale - raise the arm.
Inhale – lower
Repeat 5-10 times each side.
Rest in Balasana (child’s pose) to finish.
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