Warm up and standing posture check
Start each session
connecting with your breath. Inhale through the nose. Exhale through pursed
lips. Imaging you are blowing out a candle. Focus on gently tightening around
the waist and engaging the pelvic floor. The breath should be full and steady. Inhaling
deep into the lower lobes of the lungs and fully exhaling. Try not to hold the
breath when exercising.
Crown of the head is
reaching towards the ceiling.
Open chest. Reach
collarbones to the side of the room and gently engage between the shoulder
Set the pelvis and spine in
a neutral position. When standing the hip bones and pubic bone should be on the
same vertical plane.
Stand with feet parallel or
slightly wider.
It is important to maintain
good form throughout the exercises. Rest when you need to and reset a strong
position if you start to feel tired.
Roll down – to warm and mobilise the spine.
Inhale – prepare.
Exhale – roll down through the spine. Releasing one vertebra at a time. Support with the hands on the thighs if you need to.
Inhale – at the bottom.
Exhale – return to standing
by restacking the spine, one vertebra at a time.
Inhale prepare
Exhale – Squat down without changing
the position of the spine.
Inhale – stay
Exhale – return.
Repeat x 10. Return to
standing and complete a second set with the exercise band.
Inhale –stay
Exhale – squat and raise the
arms to shoulder height. Engage between the shoulder blades and draw the
shoulders away from the ears throughout.
Inhale – stay
Exhale – return
Set neutral pelvis and spine
positions. Hip bones and pubic bone should be on the same horizontal plane.
Connect with your breath. Focus
on gently tightening around the waist and engaging the pelvic floor. The breath
should be full and steady. Inhaling deep into the lower lobes of the lungs and
fully exhaling. Try not to hold the breath when exercising.
Inhale – drop knee to the
Exhale – return. Ensure you
tighten around the waist as you return the knee to your start position.
Repeat x 5 each side.
Resistance can be added on
the second set by tying the resistance band around the thigh (just above the
knee). The abdominal muscles will need to work harder to maintain a neutral
pelvis position.
Imprint – release
This position will engage
the oblique muscles to provide additional support when the legs are raised from
the floor.
Inhale – neutral
Exhale – slide tailbone
along the mat, by gently tilting the pubic bone to the naval. Shorten the space between the ribs and the
hips. Flatten the space between the pubic bone and naval and tighten around the
Inhale – neutral
Inhale – stay
Exhale – extend
leg forward.
A second set can be repeated
with an exercise band around the foot
to add lower body resistance. You will also feel an added challenge to maintain
an imprinted position. Focus on keeping the space between the ribs and the hips
short and maintaining the abdominal connection.
Ab Prep – This exercise forms the basis of lots of other exercises, so it’s
always a nice starting point for your routine. Focus on maintaining a neutral
pelvis throughout.
Maintain a neutral pelvis
Inhale – head nod. Drop the
chin (a little) towards the chest.
Exhale – flex the upper
body. Focus on sliding the ribs towards the hips.
Inhale – stay
Exhale – return.
Back stroke prep (with exercise band)
Maintain a neutral pelvis
throughout the exercise. Gently send the pubic bone to the mat and lift the
lower belly away from the mat.
Inhale – raise upper body
from the mat. Lower ribs should stay in contact with the floor. Draw shoulders
away from the ears and gently engage between the shoulder blades throughout.
Exhale – return
Roll back with bicep curl
Inhale – prepare
Inhale – return maintaining
an abdominal connection and ‘C’ shaped spine throughout.
Repeat x 10
A second set can be
performed adding a bicep curl.
Inhale - hold roll back.
Inhale – bicep curl
Exhale – lower arms
Repeat x 5 and Inhale –
return to start position
Hundred (with exercise band)
Place the exercise band
around the calves. Imprint and carefully lift feet from the floor one at a
time. Ensure you maintain an imprinted position throughout.
Take legs wider than hip
Inhale – 5 arm pulses.
Exhale – 5 arm pulses
Repeat for 100 pulses
Adaptation - keep head on the floor and knees above the hips.
Side leg raises
Ensure pelvis and spine
remains in a neutral position throughout. A resistance band can be added to
increase the workload for the inner and outer thighs.
Inhale – raise leg Exhale – lower
Repeat x 5-10
Inhale raise the leg.
Complete 8 circles in one direction and 8 in the opposite direction.
Repeat on the opposite side
Take exercise band in right
hand. Left hand pushes against the middle of the band. Straighten arm and draw
shoulders away from the ears. Laterally flex to the right.
Exhale – straighten left arm
Return to upright position
Push up
Start in a box, ¾ push up or full push up position.
Maintain a neutral spinal alignment and abdominal connection throughout the
Inhale – lower chest to the
Exhale – return
An exercise band can be
added to add resistance for the upper body.
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