The preparation phase of
this sequence will warm and open the hips, legs and lower back.
Seated hip circles
Maintain a long spine
throughout and circle from the hip. Complete a full circle on each inhale and
exhale. Repeat 4 times in each direction.
Left hand resting on left knee. Drop right hand to floor and lower chest to the
Extend right leg and rest
right forearm on the floor or slide it under the calf muscle if you can. Keep
the chest open by drawing the left shoulder back. Inhale as you raise the right
arm to the head and exhale as you laterally flex. Hold for 5 breaths, each time
reaching the left elbow closer to the right toes. Inhale return.
Place the right foot in
front of the left foot and repeat all of the above.
Cat – Cow stretch
Exhale – draw in the lower
belly, arching the spine to the ceiling.
Repeat x 5. On the last
exhale move into Adho Mukka Svanasana (down facing dog).
Surya Namaskar - After 2 rounds Include ‘Tail
of the dog’ and ‘Hip Opening’. Repeat for 2 rounds.
Inhale – lower the back knee
to the floor.
Exhale – return.
Parivritta Badhha Parsvakonassana
Rotate the spine towards the
front leg. Draw the top shoulder back and open the chest. Start by resting
tricep on the outer thigh and progress to resting hand on the floor or full
posture. Hold for 3 breaths.
Move into Uttanasana
(forward bend) and repeat on the opposite side.
Step forward into Ashta Chandrasana
then into Bakasana
(crane pose). Hold for 5 breaths.
Transition into Virabhadrasana 3 (warrior 3). Hold for 5 breaths.
Bend and straighten supporting leg 5 time.
Inhale – lower. Exhale – straighten.
This sequence requires a
great deal of leg strength, so each asana can be performed individually. Move
to Tadasana
(mountain pose) for 5 breaths between each asana.
Repeat on the opposite side as you flow through Surya Namaskar
Rest in Tadasana after you have comepleted the above.
From Tadasana - Exhale - Step back into Ashta Chandrasana
Inhale – Hand to knee or
toe. Repeat 5-10 times. Hold final posture (hand to knee or toe) Utthita Hasta
Patangusthasana for 5 breaths.
Release hands and hold leg
extended for 5 breaths is a further option. Ensure you hold an upright posture
and hold uddiyana (lower belly) and moola band (pelvic floor) tightly
Repeat on the opposite side.
This sequence requires a
great deal of leg strength, so each asana can be performed individually. Move
to Tadasana (mountain pose) for 5
breaths between each asana.
Finish the sequence with a
deep release for the hips and hamstrings.
Focus on lengthening the
spine and contracting quadriceps muscles by directing the heels away from the
body, gently moving the toes towards the body and pushing the quadriceps
towards the floor. If you cannot maintain a straight spine, sit on a block or
cushion. Hold for 5 breaths observing
the stillness and strength in the posture.
Then, completely let go of all muscle tension.
Paschimottanasana (seated
forward bend)
Try to maintain length in
the spine throughout this posture. Gently lower the chest to the thighs. Move
slowly without any jerky movements. Observe the gently lengthening of the
hamstrings. Hold for 5 breaths.
As a counter pose move the
spine in the opposite direction for 1 breath.
Ardha Matsyendrasana (seated spine twist)
Keep the extended leg active
throughout this posture by gently lifting the toes towards the body. Place
right foot on the floor, of the outside the left thigh.
Inhale – lengthen
through the spine.
Exhale – rotate the spine, taking your gaze over the right
Hold for 5 breaths. Inhale – lengthen spine. Exhale – rotate.
Deep hip release
Allow the right knee to drop
to the floor and gently lift the left knee. Keep the spine long and gently move
right knee away from the body. Hold for 5 breaths.
Cradle the right leg in the arms and gently rock the leg to further
release the hip.
Deep hamstring stretch
Take hold of the right foot
or place a strap around the foot. Gently straighten the leg. Keep the chest
lifted and spine long. Gently bring the toes towards the body and push the heel
away from the body. Hold for 5 breaths.
Release and observe a
lightness in the right leg and hip.
Repeat sequence on the
opposite side.
Finish in Savasana. Focus on your gentle breath, allowing the whole
body to relax.
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