Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Postnatal Yoga Fusion

Postnatal Yoga Fusion is a blend of Yoga and Pilates designed to retrain your body back into shape after your pregnancy. It is suitable for women approximately 6 weeks after a normal delivery of 10-12 weeks following a C-section. It is always advisable to speak to your healthcare professional before starting a postnatal Yoga or Pilates programme.

Practicing postnatal yoga fusion will help you:
  • Regain strength and muscle tone in the core muscles and pelvic floor
  • Improve posture
  • Reduce the occurrence of backache
  • Improve upper body strength and stability to help your body cope with feeding and carrying your baby
  • Promotes relaxation and a sense of calm
  • Interacting, bonding and relaxing with your baby.
Pelvic Floor exercises

For more information on the pelvic floor muscle: http://www.patient.co.uk/health/pelvic-floor-exercises

Try to complete these exercises 1-3 times per day. These exercises can be done anywhere. Try to complete the exercises in different positions e.g. walking sitting, kneeling.

·      Hold a maximum contraction for up to 20 seconds if you can. This may be difficult during the early postnatal phase, so try to gradually increase the length of time you can hold the contraction for.

·      Let go completely between each maximum contraction for 4 seconds.

·      Pull up 100% and let go completely 10 times

·      Pull up 100% then drop 10% 10 times.

If you find it difficult to contract the front of the pelvic floor, lean slightly forward.

Warm up
Postural changes may occur during your pregnancy and postnatal. Be aware of how increased weight of the breasts and tummy may change the position of your shoulders, spine and pelvis. 

General Posture Check

Open chest by gently contracting between the shoulder blades.

The weight of your baby may caused an anterior tilt in the pelvis – bottom sticks out and lower back becomes excessively arched causing back ache and discomfort. Try tilting the pelvis by sending the tailbone to the floor and lifting the pubic bone.C

Connecting with your breath is important throughout the class on many levels:
  •       Provide focus and calm
  •       A strong full exhale can also help connect with core muscles
Breathing – Inhale through the nose and exhale through pursed lips. Imagine you are blowing out a candle when exhaling. Focus on gently tightening around the waist and gently drawing up the pelvic floor. The breath should be full and steady. Try not to hold the breath when exercising.

Repeat this several times in order to feel the connection with the (transverse) abdominal muscles.

Move to a lying position and rock the pelvis forward and back to find a neutral pelvis position (the hip bones and pubic bone should be on the same horizontal plane). Continue the breath pattern to connect with muscles around the core.

Knee Drops – Challenges the abdominal muscles to maintain a neutral pelvis.

Focus on maintaining a neutral pelvis throughout the exercises:
Inhale - drop knee to the floor.

Exhale – return to the centre
Imprint – Release 

Inhale – prepare in neutral

Exhale and gentle tilt the pubic bone towards the navel. Focus on shortening the space between the ribs and hips. Flatten the lower belly and maintain light pelvic floor contraction throughout.

Inhale – return to neutral

Leg lifts

From and imprinted position.

Inhale – prepare

Exhale – raise on leg from the floor. 

Inhale – stay.

Exhale – straighten leg

Focus on maintaining an imprint throughout the exercises.

Hip Rolls

Start from a neutral position.

Exhale and move through imprint and start to articulate through the spine lifting each vertebrae from the mat. Gently contract the glutes (buttocks) throughout the movement.

Inhale – stay at the top resting on the shoulders. 

Adapted Sun Salutation

Neutral Quadruped Position

Inhale – stay

Exhale – shift weight forward and focus on contacting the front of the pelvic floor.

Repeat x 5

Inhale – focus on maintaining neutral alignment throughout.     

Exhale – return.

Inhale – step forward on the right leg.

Exhale – sit back



Inhale – lengthen spine and reset neutral spine position.

Exhale – extended child’s pose

Inhale – return.

Repeat x 3 each side

Push ups

Inhale – lower chest to the floor

Exhale – return

Ab prep  
Maintain a neutral pelvis throughput and ensure the abdominal muscles do not dome (push out). Flexion exercises should not be continued if this occurs. Gently tighten around the waist and lift pelvic floor muscles before and throughout the exercise.

Inhale – head nod

Exhale – flex torso from the floor

Inhale – stay

Exhale – return to the floor.

Progress to holding flexed position for 3 breaths.

Kneeling backstroke

Maintain a neutral pelvis and spine throughout the exercise. Gently tighten around the waist and lift the pelvic floor. Imagine you are arching over a bar positioned at the tips of the shoulder blades. 

Inhale – prepare

Exhale – draw elbows back, contracting between the shoulder blades. 

Wide squats

Focus on lifting the pelvic floor muscles and maintaining a neutral pelvis throughout the exercise.
Inhale – stay                               Exhale – squat down 

Repeat x 10

Shoulder raise with flex-band

Focus on maintaining a neutral spine and pelvis throughout the posture

Inhale – prepare
Exhale – raise arm to shoulder height 

Inhale – return

Repeat – 10 x each side.

Navasana – Boat Pose

Seated position, support the weight of the upper body on the hands.

Exhale - Gently tilt the pubic bone towards the navel (seated imprint position). Shorten the space between the ribs and hips and sit just off the back of the sitting bones. 

Inhale – hold

Exhale – raise one foot from the floor

Inhale – stay

Exhale – lower

Progress to lift both feet and holding the balance for 3-5 breaths.

Inhale – return to neutral.

½ Roll back

Seated position, support the weight of the upper body on the hands.

Exhale - Gently tilt the pubic bone towards the navel (seated imprint position). Shorted the space between the rib and hips.

Inhale – maintain a ‘C’ shaped curve in the spine and dive forward. Ensure your feet stay on the floor throughout.

Spine stretch forward

Inhale - seated neutral position.

Exhale – flex forward, shortening the space between the ribs and the hip. Gently lift the pelvic floor muscles and tighten around the waist. 
Inhale return to neutral.

Repeat x 5.

Prenatal Yoga Fusion

Prenatal Yoga Fusion is a gentle blend of Yoga and Pilates designed to guide you through each trimester of your pregnancy.  Practicing Yoga and Pilates during pregnancy can help you manage the physical and emotional changes pregnancy can bring.

Guidelines for each trimester

1st Trimester

  • Consult with your healthcare professional before starting or continuing a Yoga or Pilates programme.
  • Pregnancy is not a time where you should be aiming to increase your fitness level; it may even drop a little.
  • Focus on pelvic floor exercises now and throughout your pregnancy.
  • Care should be taken with long levers (arms and legs). A general guideline is, the further away the legs or arms are from the mid-line of the body (the pelvis), the more challenging the exercise will be.
  • Work with a neutral spine and pelvis as much as possible.
  • Avoid holding stretches for an extended period of time.
  • Reduced blood pressure may cause dizziness. Take care when transitioning from the floor to standing. 

2nd Trimester
  • The pelvis becomes more unstable. Focus on maintaining a neutral pelvis throughout the exercises.
  • Focus on pelvic floor exercises and engaging the transvers abdominis muscle through a gentle contraction. Imaging the muscle as a corset around the centre of the body.
  • Avoid lying in a supine position (back is flat on the floor) from around 20 weeks, or less, depending on the individual. There are lots of alternative positions - seated (floor, cushion or stability ball), semi recumbent (supported on the elbows, kneeling, side lying or standing.
  • Balance may be an issue. Take care with repetitive standing exercises. ,most exercises can be performed on a stability ball.
  • For comfort, change position frequently e.g. move gently from a kneeling position to a side lying position and then to a seated position.
  • Avoid long levels – extending the arms and legs.
  • Try not to hold a 4-point kneeling position for too long as it may cause discomfort in the wrists.

3rd Trimester
  • Shorter sessions may be suitable – 30 mins.
  • No supine positions.
  • Short levels and range of movement.
  • Use a pillow to support your tummy in a side lying position.
  • 4 point kneeling is great to release tension.
  • Continue to focus on pelvic floor.

Pelvic Floor Exercises 

 For more information on the pelvic floor muscle: http://www.patient.co.uk/health/pelvic-floor-exercises

Try to complete these exercises 1-3 times per day. These exercises can be done anywhere. 

Try to complete the exercises in different positions e.g. walking sitting, kneeling.

Hold a maximum contraction for 20 seconds if you can. As you progress throughout your pregnancy you may only be able to hold a maximum contraction for 10 seconds.

Let go completely between each maximum contraction for 4 seconds.

Pull up 100% and let go completely 10 times

Pull up 100% then drop 10% 10 times.

If you find it difficult to contract the front of the pelvic floor, lean slightly forward.


Warm up and posture check. This will apply to all stages of pregnancy.

As your pregnancy develops, increased weight in the breasts and tummy may affect you posture. 

Open chest by gently contracting between the shoulder blades.

The weight of your developing baby may cause an anterior tilt in the pelvis (bottom sticks out) and lower back becomes excessively arched causing back ache and discomfort. Try tilting the pelvis by sending the tailbone to the floor and lifting the pubic bone.

Connecting with your breath is important throughout the class on many levels:
  • Provide focus and calm
  • A strong full exhale can also help connect with core muscles

Breathing – Inhale through the nose and exhale through pursed lips. Imagine you are blowing out a candle when exhaling. Focus on gently tightening around the waist and gently drawing up the pelvic floor. The breath should be full and steady. Try not to hold the breath when exercising.

Imprint – release
This can be performed lying (during the early stages of pregnancy). Seated on the floor (resting on the elbows in a semi recumbent position) or a stability ball, or standing

Inhale – prepare in neutral

Exhale and gentle tilt the pubic bone towards the navel. Have a sense of flattening the lower belly (which will obviously become more difficult as you progress through your pregnancy). Maintain a light pelvic floor contraction throughout.

Inhale – return to neutral

Seated – ball
Exhale and gently tilt the pubic bone towards the navel, shortening the space between the ribs and hips. 

     Inhale – return to neutral. Repeat 5 times

Cat stretch
Inhale – prepare.

Exhale – flex from tailbone to the head.

Inhale – Stay

Exhale – return to neutral

The exercises

Bend and stretch – Semi recumbent or side lying position. Sit just off the back of the sitting bones with the spine slightly flexed. Focus on maintaining pelvic stability throughout.



Repeat x 3 each leg

Reduce the level length as your pregnancy develops. Rest out of semi recumbent position before moving on to the next exercise. 

Leg circles
Move into the above position. Maintain an imprinted position as you draw a circle with the knee. 4 each direction. 

Back and shoulder release

Inhale - stay

Exhale – flex forward 

Inhale - return

Hip Lift

Seated – Exhale a roll pelvis off the mat to a comfortable position. 
Alternative – pelvic tilt on the ball. 

Side Leg Lift
Side lining in a neutral position. Shorten lever by bending the leg as pregnancy develops.

Inhale – raise top leg

Exhale - lower

Side Bend
Seated facing the side. Keep the legs together and the pelvis and spine in neutral.

Inhale – Prepare

Exhale – lift the hips from the floor.

Inhale – return

Repeat x 3 each side.

Standing with feet hip width apart or wider as pregnancy develops. Focus on maintaining a neutral spine throughout the movement.

Inhale - squat down and raise arms

Exhale - return

4-point kneeling position. As pregnancy develops only move one arm or one leg. Focus on maintaining a neutral spin and pelvis throughout the movement. 

Inhale – prepare

Exhale – extend opposite and leg.

Inhale - return.

Push Up
Inhale – lower chest to the floor

Exhale - return

Spine Twist
Seated cross-legged or on a stability ball. Pelvis and spine in neutral, facing forward. Keep the chest open by gently contracting between the shoulder blades throughout the movement. 

Inhale – prepare.
Exhale – gently rotate spine 

Inhale – return

Repeat x 3 each side.