Wednesday, 5 November 2014

5 minutes a day for a stronger back


For all the exercises it is important to set and maintain a neutral pelvis and spine throughout. When a neutral alignment has been set, engage transverse abdominis (deep corset muscle) and pelvic floor to to maintain the stability of the lump-pelvic region (lower back). This is the area where lower back issues are very common. The focus of this exercise is to strengthen the muscles around the torso when the spine and pelvis are in a safe, neutral position. 

The torso should maintain stable with limited rotation throughout these exercise. The oblique abdominal muscles (at the side of the waist) and multifidus (muscles along the spine) will maintain this stability. 

Inhale - neutral

Exhale - extend opposite arm and leg. If stability of the torso cannot be maintained, start with only moving the leg or the arm. 

Inhale - neutral

Focus on using the glutes and hamstrings to extend the leg.

Maintain shoulder stability throughout by maintaining length between the shoulders and the ears. 

Repeat 8-10 times

Leg Pull 

Inhale - prepare

Exhale - lift the hips while maintaining a neural pelvis and spine

Inhale - return.

Progress by moving the knees further behind the hips and lifting into a full plank position. 

Repeat 8-10 times

Shoulder bridge

Set a lying neutral position. Engage transverse abdominis and pelvic floor.  Maintain this neutral spine and pelvic position throughout the exercise. 

Inhale - prepare

Exhale - lift the hips

Inhale - return

Try not to rock the pelvis. It may help by placing the thumbs on the lower rib and index finger on the hip bone; try to keep this space the same throughout the movement.

Repeat 8-10 times

When torso stability can be maintained, introduce leg lifts.

Inhale - prepare

Exhale - lift one foot from the floor. Focus on maintaining a neutral spine and pelvis throughout. You will find that the glutes and hamstring on the supporting leg contracts more to maintain a strong neutral position. 

Repeat 8-10 times

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