We’ve been
blessed these past few weeks with some glorious late summer sunshine. But as
the days become shorter and the invigorating rays of sunshine become only a
distant memory, there are lots you can do to prepare your body to fight the
winter blues.
With fewer
sunlight hours during the autumn and winter months, your body produces less
serotonin – a hormone, which can affect your mood, energy levels, sleep pattern
and appetite.
According to the Seasonal
Affected Disorder Association, about 20% of UK adults suffer mildly debilitating
symptoms of seasonal affected disorder (SAD) or the ‘winter blues’.
may include:
- Low mood
- Lethargy – energy levels feel low and you find it difficult to motivate yourself to complete normal tasks
- Poor concentrate
- Anxiety
- Reduced immune system and vulnerability to infection
- Sleep problems
- Overeating – especially craving carbohydrate foods to lift mood
- Loss of libido
5 Things you can do to boost your mood and energy
Regular exercise can
naturally boost serotonin levels. Many people report improvements in mood and
sleeping patterns following exercise. It is important to include some form of
activity every day - you should be aiming for about 30 minutes a day. Walk whenever you can. Include activities that will raise your heart rate and get you out of breath.
Yoga has many benefits on
the body systems. Breathing techniques can promote relaxation and improve sleep
patterns. As well as promoting strength and flexibility, performing yoga asansas (postures) massage the internal organs ensuring efficient digestion and hormone
production. Check out the ‘Power of Pranayama’ blog to discover some
simple breathing exercises.
A diet rich in carbohydrate
foods will actually raise serotonin levels, but this is only a quick fix. When
serotonin levels are low, your body will crave carbohydrate foods. These
cravings are usually in the form of sugar or refined carbohydrates – white
bread, pasta, rice, cakes and biscuits. This only leads to a cycle of craving,
over-consumption and weight gain. A diet of good quality protein foods – nuts,
fish, meat, beans and pulses with unrefined carbohydrate grains – whole grains
cereals, oats, barley, quinoa, brown and wild rice and starchy vegetables is
Include lots of brightly
coloured and dark green vegetables to boost your anti oxidant vitamin levels.
Eat a variety of good fats –
oily fish (salmon, mackerel, or tuna) nuts, seeds, sprouted seeds, wheatgrass,
avocado, good quality meat, and brightly coloured fruits and vegetables. These foods provide essential fatty acids and antioxidant vitamins which will support a healthy immune system throughout the autumn and winter months. They will also provide Vitamin D, which can become deficient with lack of sunlight.
Check out the nutrition
blogs ‘Autumnal veg to boost your serotonin levels’ and ‘sprouts’
’ to try out something new.
Include positive actions and activities in your life
Get outdoors as much as
possible. Do things you enjoy to boost your mood. Be with people you love to
spend time with.
Get enough sleep
Try to get 7-8 hours sleep
per night. This will allow your body to rejuvenate and reenergise.
Bright light therapy
You may want to consider
investing in a light therapy lamp or alarm clock. This type of treatment is
thought to replace the sunlight you would get in summer. The action of this
light on the eyes sends nerve signals to the brain in turn releasing chemicals,
which can affect your mood.