Take a closer look at your eating habits and try to stop and
think before you eat. Ask yourself the following questions.
On a scale of 1-10 how hungry are you?
1 – Not hungry at all. You’ve just eaten and feel satisfied
3 – Not hungry, just 'fancy' something to eat
5 – Feel slightly hungry, but not really ready to eat
7 – Hungry and starting to think about what to eat
8 – Really hungry. Your stomach may be rumbling and telling
you its time to eat
10 – You’re starting to feel slightly irritable and extremely
Try to be more in tune with your appetite. You may notice
patterns in your eating habits e.g. you may sit down with a cup of tea and a
biscuit or two to watch your favourite TV programme. Try to break away from
these habits. Use the hunger scale as an indicator of when you should eat and
not just because you ‘fancy’ it. Try to break the cycle of ‘mindless eating’.
Try to follow your natural appetite and eat when you are truly hungry: 7-8 on the hunger scale.
to make small dietary changes
the amount of processed and refined foods in your diet. This applies to all the
nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. There are good and bad sources of
all these foods.
Try to limit the amount of refined fats and oils to your diet. This includes
bottled vegetable oils. Become a smarter shopper. Start to read the labels. Limit
the amount of 'trans fats', commonly referred to hydrogenated vegetable oils on food
labels. If your diet is high in processed foods, fast foods and ready meals,
you're probably consuming too much of these fats. You should be aiming to
consume most of the fat in your diet from naturally occurring fats, intrinsic
to the food you eat - fats in nuts, seeds, meat and fish. Good quality,
unrefined vegetable oils, seed and nut oils, dairy products are also OK in
moderation. Simply, limit the amount of added 'processed fats'. Foods naturally
contain fats; these fats are essential for a healthy diet. It’s the processed fats we add to our diet that we can do without.
Not all carbohydrate foods are bad. Just like fats, you should be limiting
the amount of refined carbohydrates. Try to limit or avoid carbohydrate foods
made from refined white flour and sugar. These types of carbohydrate foods provide
us with little more than energy.
Because of the hormone response to deal with
these types of carbohydrates, your body goes into ‘storage’ mode as opposed to ‘burning’ mode and generally leave
us wanting more of them.
When choosing carbohydrate foods try to follow these
simple rules
- Always opt for unrefined carbohydrates. This means that the carbohydrate should be as close to its natural form as possible e.g. whole grains including the fibrous coat and germ. The skins should be consumed on vegetables when possible.
- The main job of carbohydrate is to provide our muscles with energy to work, so consider when your body needs more energy. Try to avoid carbohydrate rich meals when your activity levels are low. Don’t totally exclude them from your diet, just try not to over consume them when you don’t actually need the energy.
The theme continues, limit the amount of processed meats, fish and dairy
foods in your diet. Choose better quality but less of them. Include a variety
of non-animal proteins in the diet from nuts, seeds and pulses. Try to include
different sources of protein such as sprouted beans and seeds. Protein foods
should be an essential element in every meal, not only because they provide
essential nutrients, but they are also very satisfying so, keep you feeling
full fro longer.
Don’t over eat
Try to be more ‘mindful’ when you are eating. Be more in-tune
with how much food you actually need. Do you regularly go for second helpings
or continue to nibble after you have finished your meal. The food may be
tempting and delicious, but do you actually need the extra energy. Try not to
go straight for second helpings, stop and think if you have had enough. It
takes a short while for your stomach to send signals to your brain telling you
that you have had enough. After a meal do you sometimes feel uncomfortably overfull?
Try not to allow this to happen by stopping and thinking before you go for
second helping. Try to get into the habit of listening to your natural